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6 Dicas para Melhorar a sua Marca

We live in a time of change, and one thing is for certain: brands that adapt to the circumstances are stronger than those that don’t.

Embora certos elementos da sua identidade de marca, tais como o seu logótipo, cores de marca e persona de marca, devam ser imutáveis, a forma como a sua marca interage com os consumidores deve ser flexível e adaptar-se às novas tendências e percepções dos clientes.

1. Sustentabilidade

Consumers are making extra effort to make more environmentally friendly purchases now more than ever. You have the chance to be the company that streamlines their process. First advice on branding: Put sustainability at the top of your band’s priority list.

Os consumidores estão à procura de soluções para reduzir a sua pegada de carbono, uma vez que está a tornar-se cada vez mais difícil ignorar as alterações climáticas. Um cliente moderno preocupa-se com temas como artigos ecológicos, recipientes reutilizáveis, embalagens sustentáveis, e emoção ética.

Pense em medidas para aumentar a sustentabilidade da sua empresa se quiser que a sua marca se destaque em 2022.

2. Diversidade

People are sick of only seeing one human being portrayed in advertisements. It is a cause for celebration that our planet is made up of so many different races, colors, abilities, and cultural groups. It’s a breath of fresh air to see branding efforts shifting in favor of inclusivity and diversity. More people of color in your brand images and graphics, a range of body types and ages in your social media postings and advertising campaigns, and a focus on inclusive company practices for people with varied sexual and gender orientations and physical abilities are all implications of this.

Diversidade: a arte de pensar independentemente juntos. – Malcolm Forbes

3. Marketing Humano

Removing properly edited and carefully managed images is a terrific method to improve your brand in 2022. The highlight reel is becoming boring to viewers. Although 90% of consumers say they want original content, 51% of consumers believe firms don’t offer it. As a result, there is a trend where more and more brands are using photographs that haven’t been overly manipulated to more accurately represent reality.

4. UGC

The future is in user-generated content, which is content produced by users rather than brands. Seventy-six percent of respondents to an AdWeek poll indicated they trusted material provided by “ordinary” people more than brands. UGC essentially serves as a client testimonial by showcasing the satisfaction of your customers with your goods or services. Large companies are catching on to this trend and have started to load their Instagram feed with images taken by their own clients.

5. Comunidade

Enquanto as plataformas abertas dos meios de comunicação social dominaram os anos 2010, os anos 2020 assistirão a uma mudança para comunidades especializadas de interesse e objectivo.

The next ten years will see an increase in newsletters, online communities, consumer community programs, and local events. Our fourth branding advice? Think about how you can produce community-driven content that will unite your customers if you’re seeking for a means to innovate your brand.

Nos negócios, tratar os seus clientes menos como clientes é, por vezes, a maior abordagem para fomentar a comunidade. Pense neles como seus amigos em vez disso. A sua estratégia irá mudar como resultado desta nova perspectiva, incluindo o material que publica e a linguagem que utiliza para interagir com eles.

6. Actualizado

Observamos um movimento significativo nas tendências do design gráfico de cinco em cinco anos. O marketing visual, as tendências de design de websites, e o branding dos meios de comunicação social são todos afectados por isto.

While your brand identity and logo should generally remain unchanged (unless you’re screaming for a refresh! ), marketing materials such business cards, newsletters, social media postings, product photography, and packaging should change to reflect current design trends.

Necessita de alguma ajuda com a sua estratégia de branding? Clique aqui para saber tudo sobre a Xpansion Design ou aqui para ver todas as nossas ofertas.

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