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Top 3 Design Podcasts

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Design Podcasts

The web design community can use podcasts as a powerful medium to convey the passion, complexity, and human element that present in this cutting-edge sector. Podcasts are an interesting way to learn and be entertained. Where should one begin, though, with so many podcasts available which ones are the best? We can let you know which ones xpansion think are best.

1. The Futur

A podcast called The Futur examines the fascinating areas where design, marketing, and business intersect. The host, Chris Do, has open discussions with influential figures in the fields of design, technology, marketing, business, philosophy, and personal development.

These discussions are profound, with also an effort to comprehend these extraordinary people, what motivates them, and what the listener might take away from it all.

2. UX Podcast

Hosted twice a month. The “organizational silos” that existed within the UX community, or a lack of effective communication or ways to share knowledge and information within UX and related sectors, prompted the creation of UX Podcast. Founded in 2011 was to give information that was valuable to anybody interested in the digital world, whether for business, technology, or design.

Any one of their four categories—link shows, guest shows, topic shows, or event shows—will apply to each episode. While guest programs concentrate on conducting interesting industry interviews, link shows examine a few distinct cutting-edge publications.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
– Steve Jobs

3. User Defenders

Everything about user experience is discussed here by the most qualified professionals in the industry.

You can listen to these podcasts to be educated and entertained about everything related to web design. You’ll be motivated to create wonderful things once you’ve listened to these podcasts.

Importance of Expert Podcasts

James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom, Hosts of UX Podcast

One of the strongest multimedia venues for establishing long-term thought leadership or subject-matter expertise is podcasting. Along with many other advantages for self-marketing and building your personal brand, it establishes credibility and fosters trust.

Learning from others is one of the most significant and valuable indirect benefits of podcasting. You have a guests who is are an authority in their industry and who engages you in conversation to share their ideas. That is priceless.

You may apply the lessons you learn from these speeches to your business and to yourself.

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