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User Experience Revealing Stats for 2023

user experience stats

Now more than ever, web design is difficult. When it comes to keeping clients happy after each visit, design plays a significant role. Their good impression will ensure that you receive all the praise you merit for your diligent job.


A good experience for the visitor can only be achieved with interactive design. Additionally, it has a surprising ace in its sleeve: artificial intelligence. As it enables greater personalization than we previously thought feasible, AI is increasingly sweeping the UX industry.

A landing page loads in an average of 7 seconds
landing page

According to Google, the average amount of time for a landing page to load is 7 seconds. The company used a 4G connection to sample 11 million global web sites and obtained the results.

When a website is not mobile responsive, 48% of users become angry

If your business hasn’t made an investment in a mobile-friendly version, few customers will trust it. In fact, it’s widely accepted that websites that aren’t mobile-friendly have poor user experiences.

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein, Scientist

85% of adults agree that a mobile website should have at least as good of quality as its desktop

People today believe there is a direct correlation between a company’s reputation and the mobile experience it offers. Accept it, adjust for mobile, and continue.

75% of individuals rely their judgment of a website on how visually appealing it is

The website will get more visitors the more attractive it is. Users will return to your website more frequently the better optimized it is.

After a negative user experience, 88% of online shoppers say they will not return to a website
negative UX

Everyone keeps a mental list of both good and bad customer encounters. Trust me, it’s there. And if you don’t satisfy the demands of your audience, well… They’ll simply locate a rival who will.

According to 52% of users, a poor mobile experience will cause them to lose trust

Wouldn’t you too?

Wrapping up

To give your customers the best experience possible, whether it be through an app, website, or other tool, you need to invest in solid UX design. Every business wants to see a decent return on their investment, and UX is a crucial component in ensuring that you do.

As a result, this is one area that you cannot afford to overlook.

You can find everything you need to know about us on our website, to contact us click here and to see all of our services here.

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